This Institute has constituted the Internet Quality Assurance Committee to monitor the Institution’s Quality enhancement activity.  This committee shall be valid for two years. All committee members should shoulder the responsibility of promoting awareness amongst all staff and complete the procedural details specified by NAAC.
 The committee shall meet once quarterly and shall maintain a separate register for meeting schedule, agenda and minutes of the meeting. The  composition of meeting is as follows:
Sr.No. Name Of Members Designation
1. Manisha U. Mishra Chairman
2. Shri Rajendra Hiralal Jain Member(Society)
3. Mr. Sunil B. Chaudhari Member(Teacher)
4. Mr. Rakesh Rahangdale Member(Teacher)
5. Mr. Chandrashekhar Bahekar Member(Student)
6. Mr. Gopesh C. Badwaik Member(Alumni)
7. Mrs. Manisha U. Mishra Co-ordinator